
Here you can find a list of places that you might want to visit.

Auditorium Maximum (Audimax)

The Audimax is one of the most important places for students.
In the Audimax you will find a service point, but this is also the place where you can renew your student ID, where you can make use of nice rooms and just chatter and relax.
As a new student this is one of the places you should visit.
If you have any questions, you can visit the service point to get help.

The Library

The library is your hang-out spot to go.
Here, you don’t just find a huge variety of books, but you also have co-working spaces that are completely soundproof. If you are hungry, there also is a small mensa where you can have a lunch on the go. If you want to study in silence without much disturbance, this is your place to go.

Biblioteka Collegium Polonicum w Słubicach

The library of the Collegium Polonicum (European New School) serves its rather small part of a library, but plays a bigger role of being a co-working space. Here you can find office space which are very comfortable to work and chill at.
You can connect your laptop to a monitor and mouse and keyboard to use on a desk, but you can also connect it to a beamer (located at a big desk) to hold presentations or work together with other people. If you’d like to work in some silence – or have to make a call, there are also sound proof rooms. And not to forget, there is also a little kitchen and a foosball table where you can cook, eat and play with others.


The Bürgerbüro (Citizens Office) is a very important place.
This is where you go when you want to do anything related to moving, or anything related to your residence permit.
If you move to a new place or want to extend your visa or if your ID expires (and many other reasons), you have to make an appointment at the Citizens Office to get that info updated. If you do not update these details, you can get into trouble. Please look up or ask someone, in what cases you have to visit the Citizen Office.


If you have to do groceries, its worth the time to visit Biedronka.
Biedronka, located in Slubice, is a supermarket.
Ofcourse, we also have supermarkets in Germany, but there are a few key advantages of going to Biedronka, such as:
– a lot cheaper
– fruits and vegetables are fresh and not packed for long storage
– self checkout
Doing groceries in Biedronka is a lot cheaper (because of inflation and tax rate in Germany), and usually the stuff is much fresher, as in Poland they do not pack the food for long term storage. Other than that, there are many nice things that you can find in Biedronka, which you won’t be able to find here (like different snacks).
So Biedronka is a place that you should definetly check out when its time to do groceries!


If you ever have to print, copy or scan some papers, and you don’t have a printer, there is KopierFritze.
KopierFritze is a copy shop located near the Library.
So if you need to print something urgently, for a acceptable price you can always go to KopierFritze.

McFIT Fitnessstudio Frankfurt (Oder)

If you are into training and muscle building, McFIT should be perfect for you!
Located right in the city centre, McFIT is easy to access from anywhere.
They have a lot of training equipment, their prices are reasonable and they are always open.
So if you would like to do some body building, or just stay in shape, you should check out McFIT.

Salon fryzjerski “Volume”. Magdalena Lichwa

Salon fryzjerski Volume is a hair salon in Slubice.
Compared to cutting hair in poland, its quite expensive here in Germany.
This is one amongst a few other hair salons in slubice where you can go to cut your hair.
They are friendly and its not overpriced.
So maybe pay them a visit, but there are also a few other hair salons in Slubice.

REPO-Markt Frankfurt (Oder) – Rest- und Sonderposten GmbH

Repo, right next to our student dorm, is a store where you can find a lot of different things including toys, furniture, renovation equipment, stuff for gardening lovers and a variety of snacks and 5L water bottles.
Repo, meaning Restposten (returned shipments) is a place where you can find many interesting things for a cheap price.
So if you are planning to go for a walk, maybe count in Repo as one of the destinations.


Solarberg, just located right behind our dorm, is the perfect viewing spot.
It is easy to access and you can see the whole city from there.
Not only will you have an amazing view over our student dorm and the whole city, but if you visit it at the right time, when its foggy, it looks like you are above the cloud.
So when you wake up on a early morning, maybe head out there and enjoy a beautiful sunrise over the city!

To access Solarberg, walk to the corner of the garden of our student dorm (behind 35A), and you will find a open spot in the fence.
Once you went there, just head left and follow the trace, sticking to the right.
You will end up walking in a circle until you are greeted by the view!

HEP and Südring Center

HEP and Südring Center are two shopping centers that are nearby.
In these you can find normal grocerie stores (like REWE), but also DM (for body care stuff) and Tedi, which is like a dollar store. So if you are looking for some small cheap stuff, maybe check one of those out.


Netto being the closest supermarket to our student dorm, is also one of the cheapest stores here in Germany. They also offer fresh vegetables and always have something that you might like.
So if you don’t have the time to go to Poland, or if its just on the way, you can see Netto as your Biedronka alternative.

Ballspielanlage Mühlental

If you are into football or basketball, this place is not only the closest but also one of the nicest playfields in this area.
It is big and fenced, so you don’t have to worry about loosing a ball.
Often there are some other students playing (there is also a football WhatsApp group), so I am sure you will always have some nice people to play with.

This marks the end of the list of places that you should know and you might want to visit.
If you know some other nice places, I’ll be glad if you could message me about them.


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