What to do when issues occur.

When issues occur, there are mainly three places to go to:

  1. Tutor
  2. Hausmeister
  3. SW FFO

If you have general questions, or a conflict with a person, you can ask your tutor for help.
They are often open to talk to, friendly, and there to give you good advise.

If you have an issue related to the apartment, e.g. heater not working, stove not working etc., contact the Hausmeister. You will find him in his office. (check Infopoint/Hausmeister (caretaker)

If you have an issue related to general living (e.g. you want to move to a different dorm, complains about issues with the washing machine or dryer), contact the Studentenwerk.
For their contact details, click on this link.

If you have emotional issues like depression, sadness, there is a number to call:
Telephone counseling: +49 800 111 0 111
This number is free to call, calls are anonymous and they are available 24/7.

! The details below are to be found in the entrance area of your building.

in case of emergency

Psychological Counseling

Personal Counseling
Mondays to Thursdays
by appointment

Open Consultation
Tuesdays, 1 – 2 PM (13:00 – 14:00 o’Clock)
Thursdays, 10 – 11 AM

Auditorium maximum, room 106
Tel. +49 (0) 335 55 34 – 43 36

Further available supportive services
24-hour service

Emergency no. 112

Resque Center Klinikum Frankfurt (O.)
Müllroser Chaussee 7
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
Tel. +49 335 54 82 452

Crisis helpline Brandenburg
Tel. +49 800 11 10 222

Nightline Potsdam
students helpline operated by students
Tel. +49 331 997 18 34

U 25 (Online suicide prevention)

If you have other issues, feel free to just ask for help in the group.
I am sure there will always be someone who will help you.


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A central hub for the students of Mühlenweg Frankfurt (Oder)
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