The group

You might have read about the group a couple times while browsing through this site.
But what is “the group” that we are talking about all the time?

What is “the group”?

By the group, we are talking about the WhatsApp group for our dorm.
In this WhatsApp group, you’ll find nearly everyone who lives in this student dorm.
Its the primary space for connecting, sharing news or complaining about others.
It also serves as a help desk and as a sale market.

I want to join the group, how can I?

Well, it would be the easiest to ask one of your friends if they can invite you to the group.
But if you struggle to join the group, you can also contact the number below.
I can help you to get into the WhatsApp group, just make sure to have something to proof that you are actually living here.


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A central hub for the students of Mühlenweg Frankfurt (Oder)
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