Washing Machine Booking

Sooner or later after you’ve moved in and made yourself comfortable, or want to be comfortable, you reach a point at which you have to wash your clothes.
Luckily there are washing machines located in the basements of 35, 35A, 36 and 36A.
Anyone here can use these washing machines, but to avoid conflicts, there is a booking system.

The Booking system

On top of the washing machine (or dryer), you will find a sheet of paper.
This sheet of paper is divided by days and hours.
Find the day that you want to wash your clothes on at the top, and then go down until you find a free washing slot.

If you have found a free washing slot, you book it, by putting your apartment number.
The format for that is as follows: Building/Apartment (example: 35a/400)
By writing this, everyone knows that the slots have been booked, and they know how they can reach out to you if you forget to remove your clothes.

Automaticly, by claiming a slot, you also claim the dryer on the following hour.

I always recommend you to leave a bag on the washing machine (or dryer), so that the next person can put your clothes if you are unable to come in time.

If you want to try it out, we have a concept site for online booking, which represents the analog version.
Feel free to try out how to book the slots on this site, as its there to showcase digital booking and does not have any actual effect.

I don’t have a washing machine in my building!

Don’t worry:
The buildings 34 and 34A do not have washing machines, so they have to use the washing machines of another building.
There is no rule for which washing machine you have to use, as long as the slot is not booked, you are free to use it.

Why do some people, especially of 34, claim so many slots?

The building of 34 has flats for families, which is the reason of why they might need more washing slots than others.

The dryer’s time does not change or is extremly long, my clothes don’t get dry!

This can happen if the air vents of the dryer are not cleaned before and after using.
Always make sure to clear the air vents before and after using, to ensure that your clothes can get dry.
Sometimes the dryer can also be broken, in that case it should be reported to the Hausmeister and a different dryer should be used in the meantime.

Where should I put the detergent powder and the fabric softener?

Simple, the powder usually always goes to the left, and the fabric softener to the middle.
Often you will see a 2 (or “II”) for where the powder goes, and a flower where the fabric softener goes.

What washing mode should I choose?

Washing at 40° (Buntwäsche) should work just fine, the washing time should be around 45 minutes.

Help! The door does not open!

When the washing finishes, many people turn off the washing machine and are then unable to open the door.
This is a funny little mistake, that can be solved easily by turning the washing machine on.

There is a lot of water in the detergent powder inlet, what should I do?

This is not a problem, simply pour the water into the drain. After putting the detergent powder, the washing machine fills it with water to make it flow in. After washing, there will always be some water left.

If there is an urgent problem that you are not able to solve by yourself (e.g. clothes stuck in the washing machine), contact the Hausmeister by the emergency number (check out Infopoint/Hausmeister)


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