Smoke Detector

The smoke detector is beeping or keeps beeping!

The smoke dectector, to be found in every apartment (by law), plays a very crucial role in saving lifes.
If smoke is detected, it will alert people nearby by a loud beeping tone.
But sometimes this is unwanted (e.g. while cooking), so what do you do in these situations?

Smoke detector went off while cooking (no fire)

You can turn off the smoke detector by pressing the button in the center of it.
The smoke detector will turn off.
However, you should open the windows and the door in order to blow the smoke out.
Or else, you might cause the smoke detector to go off again.
Smoke detectors going off should be prevented.

The smoke detector keeps beeping in a certain intervall (e.g. 3 beeps every 30 minutes), even tho there is no smoke.

This is a warning by the smoke detector to let you know, that the battery is low.
You should contact the Hausmeister (caretaker) and inform him about the situation.
He will come or send a company to replace the battery inside the smoke detector.
You should not attempt to do this yourself, as you may cause damage to the smoke detector when doing the change improperly.
More information on the Hausmeister is to be found at Infopoint/Hausmeister

I hear the smoke detector beeping in someone else’s apartment

In that case, you should be alert.
If the beeping does not go off within a few minutes, go to the door and check if you can find people inside or if you see any signs of a fire.
If there are no people inside and you are unable to determine the situation, call the fire department and inform others in the building to evacuate.
The number is 112 (reference Infopoint/Number Board)

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