


Good to know

This is a collection of a few places that might make your life easier in Germany. Kleinanzeigen (formerly known as Ebay, Kleinanzeigen) Kleinanzeigen (“small advertisements”) is a platform where people can sell or give away things that they don’t want anymore.You can find anything ranging from clothes, electronics, plants, art, furniture and even jobs (long term or one time).As a German, I can say that all Germans use Kleinanzeigen as their main trading platform.Not only is there a lot to find, but you can also put search requests where other people can react to (e.g. looking for a flower pot, for a student job etc.)The only disadvantage is, that most people don’t speak english. If you are on the platform you might stumble across:VB: Verhandelbar (the price is negotiable)15€ VB: Verhandlungsbasis (the price, being 15€, is negotiable)15€ FP (Festpreis) (or nothing): The price is not negotiableZu Verschenken: To give away, for freeVersand möglich: shipping possible


Smoke Detector

The smoke detector is beeping or keeps beeping! The smoke dectector, to be found in every apartment (by law), plays a very crucial role in saving lifes.If smoke is detected, it will alert people nearby by a loud beeping tone.But sometimes this is unwanted (e.g. while cooking), so what do you do in these situations? Smoke detector went off while cooking (no fire) You can turn off the smoke detector by pressing the button in the center of it.The smoke detector will turn off.However, you should open the windows and the door in order to blow the smoke out.Or else, you might cause the smoke detector to go off again.Smoke detectors going off should be prevented. The smoke detector keeps beeping in a certain intervall (e.g. 3 beeps every 30 minutes), even tho there is no smoke. This is a warning by the smoke detector to let you know, that the battery is low.You should contact the Hausmeister (caretaker) and inform him about the situation.He will come or send a company to replace the battery inside the smoke detector.You should not attempt to do this yourself, as you may cause damage to the smoke detector when doing the change improperly.More information on the Hausmeister is to be found at Infopoint/Hausmeister I hear the smoke detector beeping in someone else’s apartment In that case, you should be alert.If the beeping does not go off within a few minutes, go to the door and check if you can find people inside or if you see any signs of a fire.If there are no people inside and you are unable to determine the situation, call the fire department and inform others in the building to evacuate.The number is 112 (reference Infopoint/Number Board) Feel like something is missing?Feel free to reach out to me, my contact details are at the bottom.



Direct links to important websites you should know University Viadrina Homepage Studentenwerk FFO European New School Frankfurt (Oder)ürgerservice Erasmus Student Network Feel like there are pages missing?Feel free to reach out to me so that I can add missing pages.You will find my contact details below.



The Hausarzt (general practitioner) is a doctor where you go for checkups.If you have any issues (like fever, some discomfortabilities), that are not urgent, you can visit the Hausarzt.You register with a Hausarzt. How to register with a Hausarzt As I find it difficult to explain on how to find a Hausarzt, I’d recommend you to read this page.You can also ask in the group if anyone can recommend a good Hausarzt. Usually you go to a doctor office, say that you need a Hausarzt and they’ll help you through.But its not always easy to find a Hausarzt that still takes new people, so you might have to do some research on some available spots or ask in the group if they can recommend any. Another issue is that most Hausarzt dont speak english. One Hausarzt that some people have recommended is Herr Dr. med. York Mierke. If you’d like to contribute and write a proper post on how to find a Hausarzt, you are welcome to reach out to me.My contact details are on the bottom of the page. Good luck and thanks!


The group

You might have read about the group a couple times while browsing through this site.But what is “the group” that we are talking about all the time? What is “the group”? By the group, we are talking about the WhatsApp group for our dorm.In this WhatsApp group, you’ll find nearly everyone who lives in this student dorm.Its the primary space for connecting, sharing news or complaining about others.It also serves as a help desk and as a sale market. I want to join the group, how can I? Well, it would be the easiest to ask one of your friends if they can invite you to the group.But if you struggle to join the group, you can also contact the number below.I can help you to get into the WhatsApp group, just make sure to have something to proof that you are actually living here.



Anmeldung, Student-ID Welcome, new student! We are happy to welcome you to our lovingly community of Mühlenweg.Tho, I think its the best, to read the existing guidelines that the university already offers. If you need further help regarding on how to reach the Mühlenweg dorm, I have written a post under Infopoint/Moving in. I have tried to cover many posts myself on this page here, trying to make it as understandable as possible, but I recommend you to read the University’s page using this link and also this link.Following is an embed of this PDF: These guidelines already cover mostly all the information that you need, tho, I have also written my own posts that might help you as a new student. But the posts on this website are more like a orientation, some information on this website may be incorrect or out of date.


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There hasn’t been a post written for this topic yet.If you’d like to participate and write a post, you can contact me.You find my contact details below. Once a post has been written for this topic, the button will be updated.



Which banks you should consider So, you just moved to Germany and need a bank.But there are so many, so which one should you choose?I have put together a list of a few banks that a few students have recommended me: Revolut N26 Comdirect I personally use Comdirect and I am very happy with it.The app is nice to use, its an online bank (so you can apply for it online) and it belongs to Commerzbank. Some advantages are: Some disadvantages are: Deutsche Bank Tho this is just a very simple list, trying to show the most general advantages.It is supposed to be a starting point of a few banks that you can consider.You should do your own research on which bank fits the best for you.Tho, most students suggest Deutsche Bank as the best choice for new students in Germany.I’d recommend you to go to a service point or call the bank to ask a few questions, so you can make sure that you get the right bank. Please note that in order to open a bank account, you should bring the following documents:Visa, Residence Permit, ID, Passport



What to do when issues occur. When issues occur, there are mainly three places to go to: If you have general questions, or a conflict with a person, you can ask your tutor for help.They are often open to talk to, friendly, and there to give you good advise. If you have an issue related to the apartment, e.g. heater not working, stove not working etc., contact the Hausmeister. You will find him in his office. (check Infopoint/Hausmeister (caretaker) If you have an issue related to general living (e.g. you want to move to a different dorm, complains about issues with the washing machine or dryer), contact the Studentenwerk.For their contact details, click on this link. If you have emotional issues like depression, sadness, there is a number to call:Telephone counseling: +49 800 111 0 111This number is free to call, calls are anonymous and they are available 24/7. ! The details below are to be found in the entrance area of your building. HELPin case of emergency Psychological CounselingEuropa-Universität Personal CounselingMondays to Thursdaysby appointment Open ConsultationTuesdays, 1 – 2 PM (13:00 – 14:00 o’Clock)Thursdays, 10 – 11 AM Auditorium maximum, room 106Tel. +49 (0) 335 55 34 – 43 Further available supportive services 24-hour service Emergency no. 112 Resque Center Klinikum Frankfurt (O.)Müllroser Chaussee 715236 Frankfurt (Oder)Tel. +49 335 54 82 452 Crisis helpline BrandenburgTel. +49 800 11 10 222 Nightline Potsdamstudents helpline operated by studentsTel. +49 331 997 18 34 U 25 (Online suicide prevention) If you have other issues, feel free to just ask for help in the group.I am sure there will always be someone who will help you.


Locked out

You have locked yourself out, here’s what to do: Approach the caretaker If the caretaker is still in office, or if you can wait for him to get to the office (e.g. you stay at a friends place), you can approach the caretaker.The caretaker has a key that works for every apartment, and he can let you back in. Call a key service If you need to get back into your apartment as soon as possible, or if you don’t have a place to stay, you can call the key service.There are a few key services in Frankfurt (Oder), of which one is:Sicherheitstechnik Menge:+49 335 50 46 54After 6 PM: +49 335 40 15 27 44But I never recommend to call the key service, as its very expensive (especially during late evening or weekends); So this should only be the last resort. Do it yourself or ask for help in the group If you have some time and don’t want to loose all your money, you can try to open the door yourself or ask for someone in the group.There are tutorials on the internet on how to do that. I have lost my keys completely If you have lost your keys completely, its gonna get expensive.In that case you have to reach out to the caretaker and he will get you some new keys.You will have to pay for the new keys. Always make sure to take care of your keys and never forget them.One advise that I can give is to lock the door from the inside, this way, its impossible to forget the keys.

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