Number board
Emergency contacts, disaster plan [!] In case of an emergency, locate the number board in the entrance area. It is a big red/green/yellow paper. Rescue control center (fire department, medical emergencies): 112Police: 110Hausmeister (Caretaker): [!] Due to data privacy, I don’t think that I am allowed to put the Hausmeister’s number here. Please locate the number in the entrance area (on a red/green/yellow paper) (Check the bottom) In case of a fire, call 112In case of a medical emergency, call 112In case of a emergency or threat (e.g. violence, break-ins), call 110In case of something being stolen, call 110 When calling emergency numbers Provide the following details:– Where?– Who is calling?– What happened?– How many people involved?– Stay on the phone and wait for questions by the dispatcher. In case of a fire Remember, safety goes first. Never put trying to safe belongings or putting the fire out on a higher priority than your own life and security. [!] If you see smoke coming out of someone’s window or door, call the fire department immediatly and alert everyone as fast as possible. If possible, try to knock the door to alert people that might be inside the apartment. In case of a Leak in the apartment If you have a leak (e.g. by a pipe bursting), locate the valve for that pipe (usually beneath the sink).If its a bigger pipe burst, locate the main valve in your apartment (in the bathroom) and turn the main water off.If you have managed to turn the water off, report it to the Hausmeister as soon as possible.If it is a bigger leak (that you cannot turn off), call the emergency number for electric/sanitary/heating The emergency number is:REMA Services GmbH: +49 335 60 67 30 or +49 171 71 44 000 In case of a emergency in an elevator (in one of the SW-FFO student dorms) Stay calm, nothing can happen!Press the bell button in the elevator, it will directly connect you to a emergency hotline.If that fails, call the following emergency number:OTIS GMBH & Co. OHG: +49 335 4 14 33 0 If you have locked yourself out If you have locked yourself out and the Hausmeister still is in office, or if you can stay at someone’s place, we recommend you to approach the Hausmeister first.The Hausmeister has a key that can open all apartments. If that is not possible or you need to get back in your apartment as soon as possible, you can call any key service.One of the key services is:Sicherheitstechnik Menge:+49 335 50 46 54and after 6 PM (18:00 o’Clock): +49 335 40 15 27 44 There’s also a page for the case of locking yourself out at Infopoint/Locked out. But when should I call the police?And is there another number that I can call, if its not an urgent emergency? The rule is simple:You should always call the police: when its an emergency (e.g. accident), when you need their help urgently, when someone is doing something wrong (breaking in, stealing, but also when they ran away with something stolen) If its not an urgent emergency (like noise complaints, questions, appointments), you can always call the number of the local police department in order to keep the emergency line free for worse emergencies. The number of the police department at Bahnhof is:+49 335 86 89 60 If you have found someone’s wallet, ID, bank card, health insurance card, but also license plates and anything else that is registered by the authority, you should always bring it to the nearest police department. In general, the police is your friend and helper, and not something to be afraid of. Havarieplan (disaster plan)